Monday to Friday from 8h to 12h and from 14h to 18h, Saturday fom 9h to 11h
Monday to Friday from 8h-12h,
14h to 18h, Saturday fom 8h to 11h
Our website allows you to select your storage unit, book it and obtain your access code immediatly on your smartphone.
Access to your BOX is made without restriction of hours 24/24 and 7/7.
All our boxes benefit from theft insurance of €2,000 and security of type APSAD3. Thanks to your customer account on the site, you can track your reservations, your bills... and even change boxes for free !
When you want to leave your box, you just have to make the request via your customer account with a notice of only 14 days.
Welcome to BOXENLOC !
. intrusion alarm
. video surveillance and remote monitoring APSAD 3
. fire detection
. 24/7 permanent access
. Time off without lease and without surety
. Online booking
. Autonomous management of your account
. Underwritten fire insurance, water damage...
. Free flight insurance up to €2000
. no additionnal fees